6 Tips to select "RIGHT" Digital Risk Protection Vendor

Posted on: 28 Feb 2023 | Author: Foresiet

In today's ever-changing digital world, users of digital risk protection solutions encounter various obstacles. Although the top players in the digital risk protection industry provide powerful solutions that come with an array of features and capabilities, customers must still navigate a complicated and fast-moving environment of potential threats.

Does your service provider limit false positives, offer a remediation mechanism to mitigate risks swiftly, and alleviate the workload of the operations team?
Operation Management - Managing operations presents a significant obstacle, primarily due to the extensive quantity and intricacy of the detected threats. The rate at which threats can be identified, as well as the promptness with which the operations team can validate success or failure, is crucial. With attackers becoming more sophisticated and their methods evolving, customers may find it challenging to keep up and provide adequate protection for their digital assets. It is also vital to promptly recognize false positives and false negatives, and to have a mechanism in place to mitigate risks quickly and reduce the burden on the operations team.

Does your service provider offer genuinely actionable intelligence and an accurate risk score?
Contextualization - Given the vast and ever-changing nature of the internet, it is crucial for customers to ensure that their digital risk protection solution can monitor a broad range of channels and platforms, including social media, messaging apps, the dark web, online forums, compliance, and supply chain, among others. Furthermore, there is a growing need for digital risk protection solutions to be interoperable with other security tools. Customers using these solutions may discover that they do not easily integrate with other tools in their security stack, resulting in a lack of visibility and potentially missed threats, as well as gaps in risk scoring.

Does your service provider offer a single-pane-of-glass view with actionable intelligence?
Threat Prioritization - Dynamic prioritization is a crucial aspect of any digital risk protection solution. Having multiple point solutions can create barriers and lead the operations team to focus on non-critical incidents.

Does your service provider offer competitive pricing or premium pricing for the same set of services?
Pricing and Complexity - Another challenge is the possibility of high costs associated with solutions from industry leaders. While these solutions often have a wide range of features, they can also be costly to deploy and maintain. This may make them unaffordable for SMBs or organizations with limited budgets, especially if the long-term costs are higher.

Is your service provider capable of providing value to your business by addressing your issues and rapidly integrating solutions into the product?
Flexibility - The success of a digital risk program is contingent on its flexibility to introduce new features to customers and the effectiveness of its customer support.

Does your service provider offer transparency and assist your operations team in minimizing the impact of incidents?
Take Down Services - Take down services are intended to promptly and efficiently remove harmful content, such as malicious or infringing material, from the internet. However, for digital risk protection vendors to offer effective take down services, they must have the capability to identify and track these threats in real-time and possess the necessary tools and procedures to take immediate action. This necessitates a high degree of precision and the ability to rapidly differentiate between legitimate and harmful content. Customers must be confident that their solution accurately identifies and prioritizes threats and that they are not wasting resources on false positives or less critical issues.

"When it comes to analysing the competition in the digital risk protection market, there are various vendors to consider. Some of the top players provide a variety of solutions that cover different areas of digital risk protection. However, there are also new entrants in the market that offer innovative solutions or specialize in specific niches that larger vendors may not cover well. These emerging vendors may provide added value by integrating solutions or creating solutions that address particular needs of the business"

To Summarize

To ensure the best digital risk protection solution, it is crucial for customers to assess their requirements, analyse features and costs of multiple vendors, and avoid solely relying on market leaders. Additionally, pricing, vendor lock-in, quality of reporting and analytics, speed of response, interoperability with other security tools, and potential for innovation from emerging vendors must be taken into consideration. By weighing these factors carefully, customers can make an informed decision that provides optimal protection for their digital assets.

About Foresiet!

Foresiet is the pioneering force in digital security solutions, offering the first integrated Digital Risk Protection SaaS platform. With 24x7x365 dark web monitoring and proactive threat intelligence, Foresiet safeguards against data breaches and intellectual property theft. Our robust suite includes brand protection, takedown services, and supply chain assessment, enhancing your organization's defense mechanisms. Attack surface management is a key component of our approach, ensuring comprehensive protection across all vulnerable points. Compliance is assured through adherence to ISO27001, NIST, GDPR, PCI, SOX, HIPAA, SAMA, CITC, and Third Party regulations. Additionally, our advanced antiphishing shield provides unparalleled protection against malicious emails. Trust Foresiet to empower your organization to navigate the digital landscape securely and confidently.

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Protect your brand, reputation, data, and systems with Foresiet's Integrated Digital Risk Platform. 24/7/365 threat monitoring for total peace of mind.
