Security Flaws Discovered in Popular WooCommerce Plugin

Posted on: 12 Jun 2024 | Author: Foresiet


Patchstack has recently identified multiple security vulnerabilities in the WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates (WZone) plugin. Created by AA-Team, this widely-used premium WordPress plugin has garnered significant popularity, amassing over 35,000 sales. It serves as a crucial asset for website owners and bloggers aiming to monetize their sites through the Amazon affiliate program.

Identified Vulnerabilities

Patchstack's analysis revealed several serious vulnerabilities affecting all tested versions, including version 14.0.10 and possibly versions from 14.0.20 onwards.

One critical issue involves an authenticated arbitrary option update vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-33549. This flaw enables authenticated users to change arbitrary WordPress options, which can lead to privilege escalation. This vulnerability is unpatched, posing significant security risks as attackers could gain elevated access to the WordPress site.

Additionally, the analysis identified two types of SQL injection vulnerabilities: unauthenticated and authenticated SQL injection, tracked as CVE-2024-33544 and CVE-2024-33546, respectively. These flaws allow both unauthenticated and authenticated users to execute malicious SQL queries in the WordPress database, potentially causing data breaches or manipulation. The critical nature of these vulnerabilities demands immediate attention from site administrators using this plugin.

Recommended Actions

In light of the absence of a patched version, Patchstack recommends deactivating and removing the WZone plugin.

Despite multiple attempts to reach the vendor, Patchstack has not received a response. Consequently, the company has published the vulnerabilities and provided users with protective measures.

Best Practices for Security

To mitigate such vulnerabilities, it's crucial to implement permission or role checks and nonce validation. Use the current_user_can function for permission checks, and wp_verify_nonce or check_ajax_referer for nonce validation.

For SQL queries, always ensure user inputs are properly escaped and formatted before execution, and avoid granting arbitrary users access to modify database tables.


The discovery of these vulnerabilities in the WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates (WZone) plugin underscores the importance of robust security measures and prompt updates. Site administrators should swiftly deactivate and remove vulnerable plugins and adopt best practices to safeguard their WordPress sites against potential exploits.

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Foresiet is the pioneering force in digital security solutions, offering the first integrated Digital Risk Protection SaaS platform. With 24x7x365 dark web monitoring and proactive threat intelligence, Foresiet safeguards against data breaches and intellectual property theft. Our robust suite includes brand protection, takedown services, and supply chain assessment, enhancing your organization's defense mechanisms. Attack surface management is a key component of our approach, ensuring comprehensive protection across all vulnerable points. Compliance is assured through adherence to ISO27001, NIST, GDPR, PCI, SOX, HIPAA, SAMA, CITC, and Third Party regulations. Additionally, our advanced antiphishing shield provides unparalleled protection against malicious emails. Trust Foresiet to empower your organization to navigate the digital landscape securely and confidently.

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