Security Flaws in UK Political Party Donation Platforms Risking Donor Data

Posted on: 23 Aug 2024 | Author: Foresiet


Recent research has uncovered significant security flaws in the online donation platforms of the UK’s major political parties. These vulnerabilities put donors’ sensitive personal and financial information at risk, potentially leading to identity theft, financial fraud, and a loss of trust. As cybercriminals increasingly target these platforms, it's crucial for political parties to strengthen their online security measures.

Unprotected Political Donation Platforms

The donation platforms used by the UK’s seven major political parties—Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Reform UK, SNP, Plaid Cymru, and the Green Party—are found to be lacking critical security features that protect against malicious activities like bot attacks and credential stuffing. These platforms process large volumes of transactions, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals.

Key Findings from the Security Analysis

The research highlighted several concerning security gaps across the platforms:

  • Limited Use of reCAPTCHA: Only two of the seven platforms, Labour and SNP, utilize reCAPTCHA to guard against bots. However, this protection is only applied during account creation and not on login pages, leaving the door open for automated attacks. Furthermore, even when used, reCAPTCHA is often insufficient due to advanced bypass techniques like CAPTCHA farms, where bots are trained to solve CAPTCHA tests.
  • Absence of Login Requirements: Four of the party platforms allow donations without requiring the creation of an official account. While this may streamline the donation process, it also lowers the barrier for fraudulent bot traffic and exposes donors to increased risks.
  • Unprotected Login Endpoints: For the three platforms that do require login—Plaid Cymru, SNP, and Reform UK—the login endpoints are inadequately protected. Researchers were able to develop a bot that could successfully log into an account without encountering any security challenges, demonstrating the ease with which cybercriminals could exploit these vulnerabilities.

These issues significantly heighten the risk of credential stuffing attacks, where stolen or leaked credentials are used to gain unauthorized access to accounts. Without adequate protection, donors’ personal and financial data could be compromised, leading to severe consequences like identity theft and financial losses.

Strengthening Security for Political Donation Platforms

To mitigate these risks, the researchers recommend several security enhancements:

  • Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Political parties should deploy 2FA across all critical user interactions, including logins and transactions. This extra layer of security would make it more difficult for unauthorized users to gain access to donor accounts.
  • Upgrade Bot Management Solutions: The transition from basic CAPTCHA systems to advanced bot management solutions is essential. These systems should be resilient to bypass techniques like CAPTCHA farms, providing more robust protection against automated attacks.
  • Encourage Strong Password Practices: Donors can play a role in protecting their accounts by using unique and strong passwords, ideally generated by a password manager. This simple step can reduce the risk of successful credential stuffing attacks.


The exposed vulnerabilities in UK political party donation platforms underscore the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. As these platforms continue to handle large volumes of sensitive data, political parties must prioritize the implementation of advanced security features to protect their donors. By adopting stronger defenses, such as two-factor authentication and sophisticated bot management, political parties can safeguard their platforms against cyber threats and maintain donor trust.

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