Surge in CatDDoS Attacks: Exploiting Vulnerabilities to Spread Mirai Variant

Posted on: 06 Jun 2024 | Author: Foresiet


The cybersecurity landscape has recently been shaken by a surge in activity involving a Mirai distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet variant known as CatDDoS. Over the past three months, threat actors have aggressively exploited more than 80 vulnerabilities to spread this malware. In this blog, we explore the recent CatDDoS attacks, the targeted sectors, and the implications for cybersecurity practices. At Foresiet, we emphasize the importance of robust phishing takedown services, online risk evaluation, stolen credentials detection, and darknet monitoring services to safeguard against such sophisticated threats.

CatDDoS: A Rising Threat

CatDDoS, a variant of the Mirai botnet, has re-emerged as a significant threat. Initially detected in August, it gained prominence in September 2023 but seemed to decline in December. However, recent reports indicate a resurgence, with multiple gangs utilizing CatDDoS variants in their attacks. These variants, tracked under names such as RebirthLTD, Komaru, and Cecilio Network, have targeted numerous organizations, including cloud vendors, communication providers, construction companies, scientific entities, and educational institutions across the US, France, Germany, Brazil, and China.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities

The operators of CatDDoS have exploited a wide array of vulnerabilities in their recent campaigns. These vulnerabilities affect products and technologies such as Apache ActiveMQ Servers, Apache Log4j, Cisco Linksys, Jenkins servers, and NetGear routers. While many of these vulnerabilities are recent, some date back several years, highlighting the attackers' ability to exploit both old and new weaknesses.

In their latest wave of attacks, CatDDoS actors have compromised up to 300 targets per day. They have leveraged both identified and unidentified vulnerabilities, with some possibly being zero-day exploits. The substantial volume of compromised data underscores the critical need for effective online risk evaluation and proactive phishing takedown services.

The Potency of DDoS Botnets

DDoS botnets like CatDDoS remain a potent threat to organizations worldwide. Despite advancements in network infrastructure designed to mitigate DDoS-related traffic spikes, threat actors continue to evolve their tactics. According to recent reports, there has been a shift in attack focus toward individual computers and servers, driven by new vulnerabilities in Windows systems and the availability of advanced malware.

Amplification Techniques and Attack Trends

TThough DDoS attack volumes dropped by 55% in 2023, the size of individual attacks grew by 233%. Attackers have increasingly relied on techniques such as NTP amplification, DNS amplification, and HTTPS flooding to boost attack traffic volumes. This shift necessitates enhanced vigilance and robust defenses, including darknet monitoring services and stolen credentials detection, to protect against these amplified threats.


The resurgence of CatDDoS and the sophisticated techniques employed by threat actors highlight the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats. Organizations must stay informed and adopt comprehensive security measures to defend against such attacks. At Foresiet, we are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions such as phishing takedown services, online risk evaluation, stolen credentials detection, and darknet monitoring services to help safeguard sensitive information and maintain robust security postures.

The recent surge in CatDDoS activity serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving threats in the digital landscape. By prioritizing security and leveraging advanced threat intelligence, organizations can better protect themselves against these formidable adversaries. Stay vigilant, stay protected, and trust in Foresiet to help navigate the complexities of cybersecurity.

About Foresiet!

Foresiet is the pioneering force in digital security solutions, offering the first integrated Digital Risk Protection SaaS platform. With 24x7x365 dark web monitoring and proactive threat intelligence, Foresiet safeguards against data breaches and intellectual property theft. Our robust suite includes brand protection, takedown services, and supply chain assessment, enhancing your organization's defense mechanisms. Attack surface management is a key component of our approach, ensuring comprehensive protection across all vulnerable points. Compliance is assured through adherence to ISO27001, NIST, GDPR, PCI, SOX, HIPAA, SAMA, CITC, and Third Party regulations. Additionally, our advanced antiphishing shield provides unparalleled protection against malicious emails. Trust Foresiet to empower your organization to navigate the digital landscape securely and confidently.

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